Wednesday, August 24, 2011


The FC Meyer crew just got back from the IDDBA show in Anaheim California (International Dairy Deli Bakery Association) June 5 – June 7 . The show’s theme this year was Rock Star Food so naturally our booth was dedicated to Rock Star Packaging and we brought out our Stars to a packed house that we clearly rocked!

Custom Packaging, FC Meyer style really stands out from the traditional food containers which are really just that something that contains food. Our one off packaging solutions are engineered around your product and they incorporate your total objectives; brand, customer ease of use, operational functionality as well as sustainability.

In addition to featuring our very own Chef Colleen who debuted our new MeyerKote family of recyclable barrier packaging and autographed plenty of her CD’s “In the Kitchen with Chef Colleen”, we also spotlighted our new Street Food Packaging which is the newest and hottest food trend in New York where we develop so many of our new packaging concepts.  Street Food is great food with big flavors, big personality combined with unique packaging that you stroll with. The new Yankee Pommes Fritte box is made to handle a wide range of tasty bites along with an in line condiment section.

We made the holder exactly to fit the fixture that the Yankees were using. Custom fit like a fine suit, in this case, a pinstripe suit! 


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